Didn’t think beverages were so powerful did you? Well, they have the power to destroy net worth, so I think they are rightfully called Personal Finance Weapons of Mass Destruction. So get someone to hold your beer while you read this article. Let’s go!
While on the trip in New York City I bought a big bottle of water for $1.80. Water is definitely something that we shouldn’t be buying. It is practically free, just open the facet. However, without preparation I had to pay. If you’re in America, practically all the water from the sink is potable, so take advantage by filling a bottle up and taking it around. Cities have made it even easier by providing drinking fountains. If you are drinking from water bottles you are spending money you don’t need to.
You mean soft drinks? Yeah, that is a ridiculous way to call them, softer than pure acid I suppose. Despite this negative take on the drink I must admit that occasionally I drink them. Often it will be when I am at a party and it is available for free. I probably have two to three servings a month. If you are drinking soda regularly, I’d advise stopping to save money and lots of sugar.
Speciality non-alcoholic beverages
The word speciality likely means expensive. $4 root beer float, $6 smoothie, $8 shake? I’m guilty of having each of those. I save specialities for special occasions. One drink that I like to get that is a bit cheaper is a Slurpee. I bought one today which was nice in the 94 degree Texas heat. I also use the 7-Eleven app, so after buying 7 I get one free. I also bring in my cup to get a discount. Somehow my wife got into Kombucha since visiting the farmer’s market and that set us back $8 today.
I don’t drink coffee so I don’t know how important it is. Use your own judgement.
I drink alcohol even less frequently than soda, so I’ll share Mr. Money Mustache’s guidelines. He says limit it to $9 a week which he equates to $6912 in a ten year period. However, I anticipate that most times people go out they will spend a lot more.
Our bodies are mostly water, so water should be sufficient to quench our thirst. However, we have been sold on sugary alternatives and are charged a huge premium for the convenience of bottle water. I’m not the only one who believes in the dangers of beverages, if you want more Mr. Tako has a good take on “flavored water.”
Many people have died because they overdosed on water, a particular hazard to novice slow marathoners (see hyponatremia). However there isn’t a single recorded case of anyone dying from overdosing on Diet Mountain Dew. I rest my case, and also drink diet dew by the cases!
Very interesting take on the article, well if you are drinking that much then maybe you should consider buying the syrup like a restaurant does.