Should You Use Amazon, Ebay, or Craigslist?

Well this is a trick question, because you definitely should not limit yourself to one.Seller marketplaces

As a buyer

As a seller on all these marketplaces I have seen price discrepancies on thousands of items. It makes sense that the price would not be exactly the same, but sometimes it can be more than a Grant!  As a seller I have taken advantage of this by selling on one site while purchasing on another.  I have purchased from Amazon and sold on Ebay and vice versa while still making a profit after paying fees as high as 15%.  When you have more information you are generally better off, so do your research.


If you are afraid of buying things on the internet, Amazon would probably be the safest, easiest place to start.  It is pretty easy and there are many benefits.  If the item is eligible for Prime shipping you will get it fast, though I recommend getting the $1 MP3/video/kindle credit for No Rush shipping.  Also, returns are fairly easily and customer service is very high.  One downside is that items must be in their catalog, so you won’t find handmade mittens for your guinea pig. Continue reading “Should You Use Amazon, Ebay, or Craigslist?”

Is Gas Cheap Enough?

Is Gas Cheap Enough?Unless you avoid cars, which I applaud, or use an electric one you have certainly noticed a decrease in the price of fuel.  If you are a California like me, prices are around three bucks a gallon and elsewhere in the country about half that.  The savings we are experience compared to last year are great, but out of our control; let’s see if there are ways to save some more.

For all numbers below I will assume you purchase 40 gallons a month over 3 fill ups, at 25 MPG this would be on 12,000 miles a year – adjust your numbers accordingly.

Costco or other wholesaler

If you are into looking up the cheapest place and going there that may work but it could cost time and potentially increase your mileage.  One popular method is to go to Costco or other wholesaler to get their reduced priced gas which is up to 25 cents cheaper per gallon.  One downside is the time it takes to wait in the long lines so I rarely use this method.  For an additional 45 minutes you are earning $10 a month, not too shabby.

Continue reading “Is Gas Cheap Enough?”

Ulysses Doesn’t Want to Pay Your Phone Bill

SIM CardsUlysses S. Grant doesn’t want to pay your phone bill because fifty bucks is too much to pay.  The battle over phone subscribers is well under way and I think lots of credit is due to the outspoken CEO of T-Mobile for starting a pricing war.  Prices are not what they used to be, so if you haven’t compared your plan’s pricing in a while, now is a great time.  I remember when my dad negotiated a special plan for 5000 minutes for $100 a month and that was considered a great deal.

There are four host networks in the United States – AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon.  You can purchase service directly from them or use a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) which leases services from one of the four mentioned.  My wife and I have received service from Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Virgin Mobile, Harbor Mobile, Freedompop, and Pure Talk USA.  Some work better than others, but I prefer to stay away from contracts so I am able to switch if I find a lower price or want better service.

Continue reading “Ulysses Doesn’t Want to Pay Your Phone Bill”

Using Ink Cartridges as an Annuity

Used Ink Cartridges for Money

In case you are unfamiliar with an annuity, it is a type of investment where you pay a fixed sum for guaranteed payout every month for a predetermined period, often until you die.  Ink recycling is a great way to develop a tiny annuity.  For a small upfront cost you can earn money in the form of office supply store credit each month.  The plan is to use the ink recycling programs from Staples and Office Depot to turn ink cartridges into credit.

Continue reading “Using Ink Cartridges as an Annuity”

Meet the Hamiltonians

Dear Hamiltonians,Alexander Hamilton

That’s right, YOU are a Hamiltonian because you are reading this blog.  In case you were unaware, Alexander Hamilton is the man on the ten dollar bill and I’m sure we’ll get to learn more about him later. Being a Hamiltonian means finding clever ways to retain or bring in more money.  Although making huge sacrifices can bring a big windfall, it is possible to find easy ways to save ten bucks at a time.

I have been inspired by Mr. Money Mustache to save more and even sell my car.  One of his articles is about how a millionaire is made ten bucks at a time and that is an inspiration for this blog.  Every week I will show you a way to collect a Hamilton and sometimes more.  Certain methods will be familiar to you while others will be things you never considered.  As this blog progresses I hope you will share your ideas with me and consider writing an article so you can help others on their journeys to becoming millionaires.

One thing Hamilton said was, “Those who stand for nothing fall for everything.”  This blog will teach you to stand for certain things that will save you money.  Do not give in to everything, but with some discipline and creativity your net worth will grow.  If you are thinking of quitting before getting started, start with something easy and if you and your wallet are no better off go ahead and quit.