Automation, Should We Be Scared?

In recent years, there has been much talk of job automation. With the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning, it seems only natural that these technological advances would eventually lead to the replacement of human workers with machines. This fear has caused a great deal of anxiety among workers, particularly those in low-skill occupations who are most at risk of being replaced by automation. But is this fear warranted? To what extent will job automation actually impact the workforce?

The Rise of Job Automation

Job automation is not a new phenomenon. It has been occurring for centuries, ever since the industrial revolution when machines began to replace human labor in factories. In recent years, however, the pace of automation has accelerated due to advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning. These technologies have made it possible to automate tasks that were previously only able to be done by human workers, such as data entry, customer service, and even some forms of manual labor.

The Impact of Job Automation on the Workforce

While it is true that job automation will result in the loss of some jobs, it is also important to remember that automation can also create new jobs. For every worker who is replaced by a machine, there is likely to be another worker who is needed to operate and maintain that machine. Moreover, while some jobs may disappear entirely, others will simply change as a result of automation. For example, taxi drivers may be replaced by self-driving cars, but there will still be a need for people to design and build those cars. In other words, while job automation will undoubtedly have an impact on the workforce, it is not likely to result in mass unemployment. Instead, it will lead to a shift in the types of jobs that are available and a change in the skills that workers need to succeed.

The Impact of COVID-19

The pandemic has only accelerated these trends; since March 2020, over 22 million Americans have filed for unemployment benefits due to job loss as a result of COVID-19. Many experts believe that we are currently witnessing a “jobs apocalypse”— one where millions of jobs are permanently lost with no clear replacement in sight. And while some workers have been able to find new jobs in different sectors (such as delivery drivers or Amazon warehouse workers), many others have been forced into lower-paying jobs with little room for advancement.

What does the future hold?

So what does the future hold for employment in an increasingly automated world? Unfortunately, there is no easy answer; while it is possible that automating certain tasks or jobs could lead to higher efficiency and productivity levels, it is also possible that this could lead to mass unemployment on a scale never seen before. Only time will tell how this issue will ultimately play out; however, one thing is certain: the way we think about employment is likely to change drastically in the years ahead.


As automation continues to increase in both scope and sophistication, its impact on employment will only become more pronounced. While it is impossible to predict exactly how much unemployment will increase as a result of automation, one thing is certain: we are facing a major turning point in human history— one that could potentially redefine what it means to be employed.

My Conclusion

Everything written above is from an AI. Every. Single. Word. I had been hearing about how good AI writing had become and decided to test to see. I’d say it did a great job. Personally I do believe that automation is getting to the point where it will wipe out tons of jobs. So best of luck to all us humans and I hope we can figure out a long term plan.

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