How to Watch Your Videos

VidAngelSo I guess we are all addicted to video content.  We like our TV shows and movies.  Personally, I decided not to buy a TV and think that has been a great decision.  It means I definitely do not have cable and you probably shouldn’t either.  I will go through the more affordable ways to watch videos.  You probably read my blog because you are looking for ways to save money without depriving yourself, so let’s get started.


It is crazy how some people will pay over $100 a month and have a 28″ 720p TV.  They pay so much and in my opinion, aren’t receiving all the benefits.  Anyway, you can certainly watch your videos on a TV and if you need a different one make sure to get a good deal.  If you have a smart TV then you can use many of the streaming services, otherwise you’ll have to get a smart device to plug into the TV.  You can use a computer, Apple TV, Chromecast, Roku, Fire TV, or other device to access a ton of apps which provide videos.  Not all the devices can access the apps you want, so make sure to check what you need once you decide which apps you need.

Physical purchases

You can rent a movie at Redbox or your local video store, assuming it didn’t shut down a five years ago.  I would highly recommend avoiding purchasing the video you want unless you are really going to watch it 20 times, but we know you aren’t.  Another reason to avoid purchasing a video for your collection is because technology moves on.  A DVD collection doesn’t look great anymore when I can watch Blu-rays.  In fact, I still have some DVDs in a drawer in my parent’s entertainment cabinet.  Maybe I’ll do as they did in China and hang them from my bike as reflectors.


Buffet style

If you don’t mind watching commercials then there are some free options which provide limited content.  Amazon has a few decent things to watch for free if you have a Prime account.  Hulu is another option and will generally have a few episodes available at a time with commercials.  If you want to pay $12 a month you can get no commercials and for $8 limited commercials, both come with more videos.  I actually have the $12 service currently because after three months my American Express card will refund me $25.  I enjoyed their original 11/22/63 mini-series and was able to pull up a Seinfeld episode when my mother referenced it.  Netflix is a pretty good option because it has lots of shows and movies.  There is a $8 option or $10 for HD.  I don’t have Netflix currently because I don’t need it, although when House of Cards comes out with a new season I’ll subscribe for a month.   You may be thinking you want a replacement for live TV, in that case you should check out Sling or PS Vue.  They offer different bundles and you can view the channels live.


If you are like me you may not watch too many videos and prefer to do other things like learn a new language, travel around the world, or read a book.  Since I only occasionally need a video I tend to buy them one at a time.  This used to mean Redbox or iTunes or Amazon in a pinch, but recently I have found a better option.

Now I use VidAngel which I pay $2 to rent an HD movie or $1 for SD.  They have a someone unique system which requires you to “buy” the movie for $20 and “sell” it back for $18/$19 and requires you to select some filters.  You could mute a word or skip something tiny and you are good to go.  The reason this is required so they are following the Family Movie Act.


You may be thinking you could avoid paying by simply downloading videos, but I don’t do that.  I think you should pay for what belongs to others.  I don’t recommend making money through illegal methods so I wouldn’t recommend saving money in that way either.  The movie business is pretty complicated and a lot of these services have done us a favor by providing videos at a low price for us within the scope of the law.  I hope I have provided you with enough options to eliminate your hefty cable bill and still access what you would like.  Happy Halloween.


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